You are the weakest link! Goodbye

Build A Human Firewall in Minutes

All of the minutes add up!

You can purchase all of the latest software and technology that is out there, but if you don’t work on building up strength as the first line of defense, the rest is pointless.  And that first layer is one that you can identify with – why?  Because it is the HUMANS that are the first point of defense.  And if they aren’t aware of what the risks are and informed on how to react to threats, then they won’t know how to react and defend their business. 

So now that you know who to target and strengthen first, you need to know how to do it.  With training.  And it can’t be a one and done online class that they skim over, it needs to be ongoing.  Oh, and can you make it fun and a group effort?  Sure…you’ll get to that in your free time, right? 

CyberEye Armor provides consistent micro-training week after week to create your human firewall. Once the annual security training is completed, staff member receive an email weekly with a three minute training video on the latest security concerns that includes a quiz.

We make it fun by creating a competition where you can see where you stand in the organization and it encourages staff to continue with the program.

Make your weakest link into the strongest line of defense, a human firewall.